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The Advenures of the Green Turtle | Photos Personal | Leading | .NET | Delphi

From zero to baby in 90 minutes or less


Tuesday the 16th was a very exciting day at our house, I was getting the kids up for school when Agilene told me that she was starting to feel contractions (By the way, surprise! if you didn't already know and yes I know, I really need to write newsletters more often). I assumed that I would have a few hours to get the kids on the school bus and take a casual drive to the hospital but by the time I had got the kids dressed and rushed them over to the neighbour, Agilene told me that she wasn't going to make it, her contractions were already only 2 minutes apart. Less than an hour after she had started I called 911.
We had the baby in the ambulance while driving down the wrong side of Main Street - this is one experience I am going to add to my list of things NOT to do before you die. One good thing about doing it this way is that we didn't have to bother telling any of the neighbours that we had had a baby. Every kid for a few blocks saw the ambulance blocking off the road.

Agilene wanted to call him 'Unemployed' since, well, that is what happens when you don't have a job (Yes, another thing I should have written a newsletter about), but instead we named him Kian André. For those who are into the statistics, he weighed 7lb 10oz or 3470g and was 20.2" or 50.5cm long. Agilene thinks that his cry is so cute, he cries like a little kitten, that she can't help letting him cry even longer. Agilene is still optimistic that she will have at least one blue-eyed child but only time will tell.

You can see some photos here and here.

And then there were six...
Marc, Agilene, Yuri, Iago, Keesha and Kian.

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